If you’re like most families, you’ve probably limited your travel over the past couple of years. But this means you’re way overdue for a great family vacation. However, a family vacation with the kids isn’t just about having fun; it’s also about getting them out of the house and helping them grow as people. Everyone will create special memories they can hold onto for a lifetime. At Carl’s Van Rentals, we take pride in being part of a family vacation! We love hearing adventure stories when people return their rentals, so we thought we’d come up with a few reasons why you should consider traveling with the kids.

3 Reasons Travel is Good for Kids

1. Time to De-stress

If you’ve been feeling stressed lately, it’s likely your kids are, too. The day-to-day routines, work, school, homework, errands, and after-school activities strain family bonding time. These activities can wear you down as a parent, but it does the same thing to the kids. So, getting away and unplugging from all of that is a great way to de-stress the entire family. As a bonus, it’s been proven that kids who take a vacation come back to school and receive higher grades

2. Promote Curiosity

When you take the kids on a family vacation, you give them the time and space to unwind and explore. Exploring a new city, theme park, or even nature reserve is a great way to promote curiosity and learning. Kids are naturally curious, but the weight of school, homework, and chores can hinder this aspect of their development. So, if you want to help them, take them somewhere where they can explore new surroundings and have new experiences they don’t get back home. 

3. Build Connections

Traveling as a family can help improve communication skills and family bonding. When the entire family has the same vacation experience, it can create a sense of belonging, stability, and love. Sharing these experiences is a great way to spark dinner conversations or promote deeper thinking. It’s also a great way to create memories that everyone in the family can look back on later.

Memories Start Here

If you’re ready to book the perfect vacation, make sure it starts with Carl’s Van Rentals. Our affordable and stylish minivans, Sprinters, and passenger vans are the perfect addition to your family’s trip to Orlando, FL. So, make your reservations online or give us a call at (407) 856-8866.

Source: sheknows.com/parenting/articles/811800/how-vacations-make-kids-smarter/